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     Writing the Database:   Creating Entries

     Short entries are created by typing the command !short:,
     starting in column one, immediately followed by the text of
     the short entry on the same line.

     A long entry is created by typing text immediately under the
     short entry; this is the text that the short entry will expand
     to when the user selects the Expand menu. Long entries can
     be 78 characters wide, and up to 64k in length.

     Instead of including the text of a long entry immediately
     under the short entry that points to it, you can substitute
     the `!file' command, followed by a filename. You then type the
     text of the long entry into the file specified in the !file
     command. (You also use the !file command when you are
     designing a short entry that points to another list of short
     entries; see !file in the Related Topics: menu..)

     Long entries can refer the reader to other long entries using the
     !seealso: command. See Related Topics in the Related Topics: menu
     for information on how to write such references.

     You can include underline, bold, and reverse video attributes in
     the text of your source files; go to the next long for information
     on character attributes.

    Press the Gray + key to proceed to the next topic (long entry).


See Also: Related Topics: !File: Database Design Creating Data Text Files Data Text Files Short and Long Entries Character Attributes Adding Comments to Data Files.
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